Here is my big reference sheet for html stuff incase I forget all of this within two days.

Scrolling, scrolling, scrolling, scrolling.

Go back

All got from the htmldog guide. And this one too! I think you can view all this via inspect element so have fun with that.

Heading 2 text tags

Reference the holy bold and italic and strike and highlight and I wanted to do blockquote but the tag is being mean to me.

Reference the evil bold and italic and strike and underline and small and tiny and quotes but the quotes can just be used in favor of the "real quote marks".


Tags that close contain something, like images and links and paragraphs, tags that do not close (like line breaks) do not contain something!) Always remember to end your documents in the closing body and html tags.
Line breaks shouldn't be used if the two seperators are meant to be completely different. Just do a seperate paragraph instead. I think it'll help the page load easier. You may use as many headings 2-6 as you please, but only one heading 1. (do you need to close the P tag every time? it doesnt flag anything when you don't...)

Lists and forms and tables...

  1. ONE!
  1. THREE!
  1. AY
  2. BEE

Def lists
New Order's official website! As is typical, you're only gonna get surface level stuff here. Still worth reading.